Congrats Lee Ann Chambers, New Master Scuba Diver!

Name: Lee Ann Chambers

First scuba certification date : 7/3/2005

What has been your favorite dive?: Big Tunnel off Grand Cayman, so far!

What has been your favorite scuba class you have taken?: Although the most challenging for me, Rescue Diver was a great class!

Freshwater or saltwater diving?: Saltwater

What is one of your bucket list dives?: Great Barrier Reef

What is your “go-to” post dive meal?: A grilled cheese sandwich is still my favorite

Favorite marine life?: Turtles and rays are great, but I have a soft spot for trunkfish and octopus

If you could do a dive with anyone in the world (past or present) who would it be? : James Cameron

Funniest scuba diving moment? : Feeding the Sting Rays off the coast of Grand Cayman, we ditched some weights since the area was so shallow, but then the current was extreme that day. I was hanging onto a rock trying to stay in place and feed the rays when one snatched up a finger instead of the food! It took a few seconds before I was brave enough to look down to check and see if my finger was still attached! (I still have all 10) It wasn't funny at the time, but looking back I laugh every time!


Congrats Robert Chambers, New Divemaster & Master Scuba Diver!


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